Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Rained out

So yesterday I was supposed to have hijacked the English club to listen to some "English" music and get them to discuss it, but I was rained out. I got there and everything was going fine there was even a power outlet that I could use which I wasn't sure would be there. I gave a little introduction to myself and what I wanted them to do. I wanted to ease them into things with something a few Ethiopians I had met had heard of, which was Tracy Chapman. I didn't even bring this over, but found it here a few days ago when someone was playing it in the lab and asked if I knew about it. So I ripped a copy of it to play for the English club. I figured some good discussion could come out of this and get them warmed up.

I introduce myself tell them I want to hear them discuss the song after listening to it. What they think about it, comparing it to Ethiopian music, etc etc (I didn't actually say etc I'm just abbreviating). I pick out "Fast Car", press play and literally about 10 seconds into the song it starts to rain.

I don't just mean it rained a little. I mean the sky opened up and it poured down sheets of water. It went from no rain to torrential downpour in about 5 seconds flat.

We were indoors though right? Yep. So what's the problem? Corrugated metal rooves are the most common form of roofing in Ethiopia and they are not quiet in rainfall like what I just mentioned. The raindrops become a constant racket of percussion interrupting everything. You cannot even speak at normal volume and be heard. This was also loud enough that they could not hear the music. I thought this was hilarious, they looked embarassed. I let the song finish up in hopes that the rain might let up. It did not so we post-poned to next week when I'll have louder speakers provided for the purpose of drowning out any rain.

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