Monday, April 16, 2007

Going out

So last night I went out with some coworkers, which was exciting because I hadn't been out with coworkers who are habesha (Ethiopian) before. We grabbed some food and then hopped around bars downing far too much alcohol for a Sunday night. The high point of the evening was at a dance club we ended up at called 1st Bar where, Megbaru apparently decided I needed an Ethiopian girlfriend.

What made this event particularly amusing was his insistence on finding me one right now. His technique for doing this consisted of dragging a hapless girl who was dancing somewhere else over near us. Then he would ask her if she spoke English. He would then turn to me and say "I asked her if she speaks English". She would then dance off back to her friends. I assume she said "No". Then he'd do it again. And again. And again. At this point my disbelief at his attempts had been replaced by loud laughter and maybe he did find a girl who spoke English, but she was put off by my constant laughter at the ridiculousness of the whole situation.

Anyways afterwords I went home by cab and as usually happens when I got home late I had to walk through a pack of stray dogs, which is incredibly unnerving. The dogs that don't have homes in the neighbourhood seem to hang out on the road near my house and at night when the streets are empty they collect and lurk around. There's about 8 of them and they're big. They make me very glad that I have an infinite supply of imaginary rocks to drive them away with. They are quite ingrained with a fear of rocks as Ethiopian's tend to throw rocks at lots of things to drive them away, dogs, goats, chickens, kites, children and so if you pick up some imaginary ones you can scare off the dogs that tend to menacingly glare at and stalk you when you get home at night.


The Seawaller said...

hmmmm those infinite supplies of imaginary rocks sound handy; i think i will get me some.

Anonymous said...

So after a night of too much alcohol, is it the dogs are imaginary, or the rocks that that are imaginary. Also, where do you get the imaginary rocks, do you store them in your pocket, which leads us to the next question, what's its gots in its pocket? Precious..haa

Anonymous said...

Hey Jordie!

Just got around to finding your blog (because I'm a bad person who completely lacks the ability to keep track of people). Definately the most interesting reading I've found in a while. You rock my final exam filled world. Miss you dude.


Jackie said...

I get scared of dogs sometimes. I think imaginary rocks is a good idea.