Sunday, February 18, 2007

Getting settled in

I'm starting to settle in. I think between the malaria medication, lack of sleep, jet lag and new climate my body was rebelling a bit. Now though I have a tan, lots of sleep and a few showers (I'm a little spoiled right now). In fact I think that between all the above things the last traces of my acne are clearing up, probably mostly due to the malaria medications side effect of drying out your skin. Thanks doxycyclene!

Last night all the IT volunteers went to a restaurant, a bar and then a night club, but I was so tired (curse you jet lag!) I went back to the hotel with the other Canadian when everyone else went to the night club. We have unfortunately given ourselves a reputation for not enjoying things that are fun with the other IT volunteers, that seems unlikely to be let up anytime soon as the people I've met are the sort to rag on about something like that.

It's so hard to describe what Ethiopia is like so I won't really try to hard to capture everything. However, today a child tried to sell me a live pigeon he had caught by the feet. I don't know how he caught it or what use he thought I'd have for a pigeon, but it really drove home how poor everyone is here. I don't think he thought I had a particular use for the pigeon, but I would be surprised if he couldn't find someone who wanted it. Catching a pigeon was probably a pretty good day for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jordie,

Your pigeon story broke my heart. I'm enjoying your blog in general--and I never read these things.
